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Thank You Citizens of Humanity: From Jeans to Masks, LA-based Premium Denim Company Joins the Fight

Citizens of Humanity has partnered with, offering their headquarters as a pivotal distribution center for supplies headed for hospitals all over greater Los Angeles.

Amy, CEO, and Frederico, COO, together share invaluable experience and resources from the forefront of the clothing manufacturing and distribution industry.

"The call went out for community support, for gifts of medical masks and sanitizing materials, and we just don't work in that sort of industry- but we got our team together, and we knew there must be something, something that we're good at, that we can do for our healthcare frontline," said Amy Williams, CEO.

Amy was one of the earliest to reach out to she already envisioned restructuring her army of sewing specialists to put together masks that were stylish yet practical. Together with Frederico, they set out to design and produce prototypes: then, they got in touch with our doctors in LA, and they realized they could do even more.

As a doctor working on the frontlines myself, I can say that this is an incredible partnership to be a part of. It began as a project to outfit hospital staff in COVID hotspots, and it dawned on us here at that the brand's distribution center is strategically positioned to ship large volumes of materials made on site to shoppers all over the country. With their close proximity to many of the big hospitals in Los Angeles, the same could be done with protective equipment.

"Through times of adversity, it is heartwarming to see companies like Citizens take the lead on getting PPE to the frontlines," said Dr. Karen Tsai, Co-Founder of

Our first shipments of face-shields manufactured by Ford Motors will land at the Citizens of Humanity headquarters this week, where Med Supply Drive LA volunteers will split up and deliver 6000 face shields to 24 hospitals across greater Los Angeles, some of which are caring for high numbers of COVID-19 patients, and others that are preparing for more cases to arise.

Another incredible contribution to the community: since 2003, Citizens of Humanity has been stitching durable, sophisticated, and comfortable (we know, we wear them) high-quality denim jeans, and in an effort to combat the spread of COVID-19 through the community-at-large, they've shifted gears to manufacturing reliable, stylish, and comfortable (again, we know, we wear them) cotton face masks that reduce waste and will divert critical surgical masks to the front lines.

With guidance from our team's physicians who don surgical masks and respirators regularly, the sewing Citizens are producing well-fitting surgical-style tie-on masks, all 100% cotton, in 4 stunning colors. Donations of these masks are already on their way to our volunteers and to healthcare workers and patients in hospitals on both coasts. Our followers can get some for themselves, support this project, and see what else Amy, Frederico, and our friends at Citizens of Humanity are up to at their website:

From all of us here at DonatePPE, thank you for everything you do to help make our frontline and our community safer.

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